H. A. Foundation India
H. A. Foundation India Give Your Small in a Great Way
Allah ordered his prophets and the general population to eat from halal. From this we should understand the importance of halal income in Islam. To ensure haram and halal are not mixed, Allah has prescribed rules for borrowing and trade. Those who are truthful in trade will enjoy the company of prophets in the hereafter. Using these teachings the prophet (SAW) increased the standard of traders in his time.

On another occasion a beggar was asked by prophet (SAW) what he possessed, he advised the prophet (SAW) that he possessed one cup. Prophet (SAW) asked for this cup and auctioned it, the cup sold for 10 dirhams. With this prophet (SAW) bought for this man a blade which would cut wood, once the blade was purchased prophet (SAW) himself attached a handle. Prophet (SAW) then ordered the man to go into the jungle to cut wood which he should then sell in the market for 10 days after which he should come to see the prophet (SAW) again. When this man returned he brought with him another 10 dirhams which was a profit after he had spent on his expenses. Prophet (SAW) then explained to this individual the benefits he will enjoy in the hereafter for this work as a trader.

Alhamdulillah HA Foundation uses these teachings to run projects in Bharuch-Anklehwar region where the poorer members of the community can make their own efforts to earn a living. For the giving hand is better than the receiving hand.